Deadly Waters with Captain Lee in Miami, FL

I am the Media Manager for Deadly Waters with Captain Lee in Miami FL, a true crime drama. This is a famous murder case from 2007. It will air on Oxygen in Spring/Summer 2024.

I stayed with my sister in Ft Lauderdale, FL and her 2 boys, 3 dogs, and 2 cats.


Deadly Waters with Captain Lee


Media Manager-DIT

Project’s IMDB


Production Company

Critical Content

Client’s Equipment

My Gear/Equipment



Type of Production

TV, true crime drama

Behind the Scenes

Below are some Behind the Scenes photos from the shoot.

  • me with Trevor Smith - B Camera
  • Office - Hilton Miami - below office terrace
  • Deadly Water with Captain Lee crew shot
  • Office - Hilton Miami - lake outside office
  • Office - Hilton Miami - desk
  • Office - Hilton Miami - out office terrace
  • Office - Hilton Miami - desk closeup
  • Office - Hilton Miami - doorway
  • Office - Hilton Miami - gear storage
  • Office - Hilton Miami - padded case for laptop
  • Office - Hilton Miami - padded case for SSDs and gear
  • Office - Hilton Miami - padded case for SSDs closeup
  • Office - Hilton Miami - room setup
  • Office - Hilton Miami - signage
  • Office - Hilton Miami - unused cards and gear
  • Office #2 - House - Apple TV with fire on screen overtop desk
  • Office #2 - House - Left side of desk
  • Office #2 - House - Media case with SSD and cables
  • Office #2 - House - Right side of desk
  • Office #2 - House - SSD for shipment and to keep
  • Office #3 - Coast Guard Base - conference room table
  • Office #3 - Coast Guard Base - DIT setup on conference room table
  • Office #3 - Coast Guard Base - entry
  • Office #3 - Coast Guard Base - model ship
  • Office #3 - Coast Guard Base - wall
  • Coast Guard boat - side
  • Coast Guard boat - front side
  • Coast Guard boat - sunset
  • Coast Guard boat - grill
  • Coast Guard boat - speed boat
  • Coast Guard boat - ahoy
  • Coast Guard boat - up top
  • Coast Guard boat - back
  • Coast Guard boat - Captain interview


I am the Media Manager for Deadly Waters with Captain Lee in Miami FL. That means I collected all the video and audio files and cloned them onto various hard drives. My job is to ensure the integrity of the data thru the Production Pipeline.

Why are true crime dramas so popular?

From podcasts to true crime documentaries to detective novels, it’s not difficult to imagine why true crime media has become so popular. Here are a few of the most popular theories.

True crime gives an insight into our culture and norms as well as our anxieties and values. Researcher and author Coltan Scrivner states the popularity of true crime, the success of horror films and the quantity of violence in the news suggests that “morbid curiosity is a common psychological trait”. It feeds our natural desire to solve puzzles and mysteries.

It also gives us an insight into why other people may act the way they do and allows us to examine the darker sides of humanity from a safe distance. We can vicariously experience extreme situations (i.e., allows us to experience physical and emotional responses from the safety of our home).

A 2010 study by the University of Illinois (Vicary and Fraley, 2010) suggests that true crime stories are particularly popular with women, which may link to their fear of being victimised.

We can therefore hypothesize that consuming content about crime may provide us with a feeling of control and knowledge about an inherently uncertain and often anxiety-provoking world. It is also worth remembering that, as humans, we are designed to pay particular attention to certain features, which helps us to learn and gather information. For example, threatening information often spreads very fast (e.g., Blaine & Boyer, 2018 as cited in Scrivner 2021). Evolutionary this makes sense as an awareness of threat can be useful to us in several ways including safety.

More examples

For more examples of my Media Manager-DIT work, click here.

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